Lukisan XL – Sacrifice

March 14, 2019
lukisan romo sugiri
40th Painting
  • Name : Sacrifice
  • Painter : L.S. ‘15 (L. Sugiri, SJ – 2015)
  • Acrylic on Canvas : 90 cm x 70 cm
  • Explanation : After one week born, Josef and Mary brought her first born son Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem, as a sacrifice to God. They brought with them 2 doves as a symbol of the sacrifice. Guided by the Holy Spirit came also Simeon and Anna, two old wise people, that same day to the temple. They received Jesus as the new born Messiah, a reason to praise and worship the Good Lord, for His work of salvation (Luc 2:22-38).
Lukisan ke-40
  • Judul : Persembahan
  • Pelukis : L.S. ‘15 (L. Sugiri, SJ – 2015)
  • Dimensi : 90 cm x 70 cm (cat akrilik)
  • Keterangan : Ketika Yesus berusia satu minggu, Yosef dan Maria membawa Yesus ke Bait Allah di Yerusalem, untuk dipersembahkan kepada Allah. Mereka membawa 2 merpati sebagai simbol pengorbanan. Dengan bimbingan Roh Kudus, Simeon dan Anna, dua orang tua bijak pada hari yang sama juga datang ke Bait Allah. Mereka menerima Yesus sebagai Mesias lahir baru, alasan untuk memuji dan menyembah Tuhan yang baik, untuk pekerjaan keselamatan-Nya (Luk 2:22-38).