Lukisan XLIII – Home With Abba

March 18, 2019
lukisan romo sugiri
43rd Painting
  • Name : Home With Abba
  • Painter : L.S. ‘15 (L. Sugiri, SJ – 2015)
  • Acrylic on Canvas : 90 cm x 70 cm
  • Explanation : At the age of 12 years Jesus was supposed each year to go on pilgrimage to the temple in Jerusalem. He traveled with his parents, joined the group of his father Josef or the group of his mother Mary.
On the way back home to Nazareth, he was not with them. So Josef and Mary returned to the temple in Jerusalem, and after 3 days found him among the teachers of the Torah.
They expressed their fear, why he did not come home with them. To their surprise he answered: “I must be home with my Daddy/Abba.” They did not understand, but kept the words in their hearts. After that he went home with them to Nazareth, and obeyed them, and developed to become a wise and sympathetic person (Luc 2:41-52).
Lukisan ke-43
  • Judul : Di Rumah Bersama Ayah
  • Pelukis : L.S. ‘15 (L. Sugiri, SJ – 2015)
  • Dimensi : 90 cm x 70 cm (cat akrilik)
  • Keterangan : Pada usia 12 tahun, Yesus menempuh perjalanan ke Bait Allah, ziarah tahunan ke Bait Allah di Yerusalem. Dia pergi bersama dengan orangtuanya, bergabung dengan kelompok ayahnya, Yosef, atau dengan kelompok Ibunya, Maria.
Dalam perjalanan pulang ke Nazaret, Yesus tidak bersama dengan mereka. Akhirnya Yosef dan Maria kembali ke Yerusalem, dan setelah 3 hari perjalanan, mereka menemukan Yesus di Bait Allah, di antara para ahli Taurat.
Yosef dan Maria menyatakan kekhawatiran mereka, mengapa Yesus tidak pulang bersama dengan mereka. Tanpa diduga, Yesus menjawab: “Saya harus berada di rumah Bapa.” Mereka tidak mengerti, tapi terus menyimpan kata-kata itu dalam hati mereka. Setelah itu mereka kembali ke Nazaret, dan Yesus berkembang menjadi pribadi yang bijaksana dan simpatik (Luk 2:41-52).