Lukisan XCIII – Lazarus, Rise Up!

April 9, 2019
lukisan romo sugiri
93rd Painting
  • Title : Lazarus, Rise Up!
  • Painter : L.S. ’16 (L. Sugiri SJ – 2016)
  • Acrylic on Canvas : 90 cm x 70 cm
  • Explanation : Lazarus, a good friend of Jesus died. His sister, Martha, sent a message to inform Jesus. When Jesus came back to Bethany, Lazarus was already buried. On the third day Jesus went to the grave and called Lazarus to come out alive, “Lazarus, rise up! And Lazarus came out alive. A spectacular miracle. Great news for the whole country. Many more people accepted Jesus as the promised Messiah. Everyone liked to meet Lazarus too. But the religious Jewish leaders became more and more furious. Jesus has to be eliminated (John 11:41-48).
Lukisan ke-93
  • Judul : Lazarus, Bangkitlah!
  • Pelukis : L.S. ‘16 (L. Sugiri SJ, 2016)
  • Akrilik di Kanvas : 90 cm x 70 cm
  • Penjelasan : Lazarus, seorang teman baik dari Yesus meninggal. Adiknya, Martha, mengirim pesan untuk memberitahu Yesus. Ketika Yesus datang kembali ke Betania, Lazarus sudah tiga hari dikuburkan. Yesus pergi ke makam dan berkata, “Lazarus, bangkitlah!“ Dan keluarlah Lazarus dalam keadaan hidup. Sebuah keajaiban yang spektakuler. Berita hebat bagi seluruh negeri. Banyak orang menerima Yesus sebagai Mesias yang dijanjikan. Semua orang ingin bertemu dengan Lazarus juga. Namun para pemuka agama Yahudi menjadi semakin. Yesus telah dilenyapkan (Yoh 11:41-48).