Lukisan LXXXVIII – Jesus, is Lord of the Sabbath.

April 8, 2019
lukisan romo sugiri
88th Painting
  • Title : Jesus, is Lord of the Sabbath.
  • Painter : L.S. ’16 (L. Sugiri SJ – 2016)
  • Acrylic on Canvas : 90 cm x 70 cm
  • Explanation : When Jesus with his disciples walked trough the grain fields, his disciples, while hungry, took some grain to eat. But it was on the day of the Sabbath. So some Pharisees and Scribes saw that. They reprimanded Jesus, that He let his disciples ignore the law of the Sabbath. Jesus defended His disciples, saying, “You know when David and his soldiers were hungry, they went into the temple and ate the bread which only the priests may eat. You know, God is not pleased with animal sacrifices, but with acts of mercy. And be aware, the Son of man is Lord of the Sabbath. The law of the Sabbath is made for the benefit of mankind, and not mankind for the benefit of the Sabbath” (Mat 12:8).
Lukisan ke-88
  • Judul : Yesus adalah Tuhan Atas Hari Sabat
  • Pelukis : L.S. ‘16 (L. Sugiri SJ, 2016)
  • Akrilik di Kanvas : 90 cm x 70
  • Penjelasan : Ketika Yesus dengan murid-murid-Nya berjalan pulang melewati ladang gandum, para murid merasa lapar, lalu mereka mengambil gandum itu untuk dimakan. Itu adalah hari Sabat. Beberapa orang farisi dan ahli taurat menegur Yesus bahwa Dia membiarkan murid-muridNya melanggar hukum Sabat. Yesus membela murid-murid-Nya, katanya, “Kamu tahu ketika David dan tentaranya lapar, mereka pergi ke Bait Allah dan makan roti yang hanya diperuntukan bagi Imam. Kamu tahu, Tuhan tidak senang dengan korban binatang, tetapi dengan tindakan belas kasihan. Dan sadarilah Anak Manusia adalah Tuhan atas hari Sabat. Hukum Sabat dibuat untuk kepentingan umat manusia, dan bukan manusia untuk kepentingan hari Sabat ” (Mat 12:8).