Lukisan CXIV – Refugees to Egypt

April 26, 2019
lukisan romo sugiri
114th Painting
  • Title : Refugees to Egypt
  • Painter : L.S. ’16 (L. Sugiri SJ, 2016)
  • Acrylic on Canvas : 90 x 70 cm
  • Explanation : King Herod was cheated by the shamans or wise man. According to a legend, they received a numinous dream from an angel, to go home along an other road and to avoid king Herod. King Herod was afraid of a new born king. So he ordered all the boys under the age of two years to be murdered. Josef also received a warning dream from an angel, to go immediately with mother and child away to Egypt. The Holy Family went as refugees to Egypt. They lived in Egypt until the death of King Herod. After the death of king Herod, the angel called them back to Nazareth in Galilea (Mat 2:13-23). Jesus grew up as the man of Nazareth.
Lukisan ke-114
  • Judul : Mengungsi ke Mesir
  • Pelukis : L.S. ’16 (L. Sugiri SJ, 2016)
  • Akrilik di Kanvas : 90 x 70 cm
  • Penjelasan : Raja Herodes merasa ditipu oleh para majus. Menurut suatu legenda para majus diberitahu oleh malaikat agar pulang lewat jalan lain, untuk menghindari raja Herodes. Herodes merasa takut disaingi oleh raja baru. Oleh karena itu, ia memerintahkan agar semua anak lelaki di bawah umur dua tahun dibunuh. Santo Yosef juga mendapat mimpi dari malaikat untuk mengungsi ke Mesir. Oleh karena itu Keluarga Kudus mengungsi ke Mesir. Mereka tinggal di sana sampai Raja Herodes wafat. Lalu malaikat memanggil mereka pulang ke Nazareth di Galilea. Yesus bertumbuh menjadi dewasa di Nazareth (Mat 2:13-23).