Lukisan CVII – Judge, Please, Help Me

April 24, 2019
lukisan romo sugiri
107th Painting
  • Title : Judge, Please, Help Me
  • Painter : L.S. ’16 (L. Sugiri SJ, 2016)
  • Acrylic on Canvas : 70 x 90 cm
  • Explanation : Jesus teaches His disciples, how to pray to God, continuously, full of hope and conviction. As an example, Jesus tells the story of the bad judge, who did not care about God and the poor. He refused to help the case of a poor widow who would not pay him. But the widow held on, asking, pushing him continuously, until he gave in. To stop her stalking and pushing, he helped her case anyway. Jesus said, “Knock and the door will be opened.” We have to pray also to God our Father in Jesus’ name. (Luc 8: 1-8).
Lukisan ke-107
  • Judul : Hakim Yang Mulia, Tolonglah Saya
  • Pelukis : L.S. ’16 (L. Sugiri SJ, 2016)
  • Akrilik di Kanvas :70 x 90 cm
  • Penjelasan : Yesus mengajar murid-muridNya cara berdoa terus kepada Allah dengan keyakinan dan penuh harapan. Sebagai illustrasi, Yesus bercerita mengenai seorang hakim yang tidak peduli pada Allah dan orang miskin. Dia tidak bersedia mengurus perkara seorang janda miskin yang tak dapat membayar dirinya. Namun karena janda itu mendesak terus tanpa henti, akhirnya ia pun mengalah. Untuk meloloskan diri dari serbuan janda itu, si hakim menolong perkaranya juga. Yesus berkata, “Ketuklah, dan pintu akan dibuka.” Kita harus berdoa kepada Allah Bapa dalam nama Yesus. (Luk 8:1-8).